Much love and thoughts go out to those in VA today. This news hit me hard for some reason, I had flashbacks to the
shootings here at the U of Iowa campus in November of '91, one of those events where I can remember where I was when I had heard about it. That was nowhere near as bad as this one, and I thought that the one in Iowa City was terrible. Sure I was only 10 at the time, but I knew it was a tragedy. (I still remember the Hawkeyes wearing all black, decal-less helmets for their next game against Ohio State, and upsetting them for a very emotional victory. I know it may cheapen the events to bring in sports here, but it was a big thing for me at the time.) And it provides, to me, a perspective and sheer magnitude of what happened today. I felt like I should say something about it. Terrible, sad news all around.
In brighter news, things in Iowa City today were rather relaxed. The weather was absolutely perfect, getting up to around 75 degrees and sunny. Much nicer than what everyone's getting out East. I was still dog-sitting, so Tucker and I took a walk around the neighborhood. It made me really want to have a dog of my own to walk. I like Tucker and all, he's a sweet dog, but it's a little emasculating to be walking around with a miniature wiener dog. I took some time to read outside, and even did a little studying outside for my upcoming finals. Not looking forward to those, but I am looking forward to being done. And looking forward to the summer. Then work was fine, it actually went by quickly, which is always nice. I decided that I needed to spend a little of the money I made from the dog-sitting, so I picked up a six-pack of Samuel Adams Honey Porter, because it sounded interesting to me. I like porters, and I like honey. So I figured it would be good. And I figured correctly. I'm finishing up my first one right now. It starts with the taste of a porter, but a little smoother, and has a nice, sweet, honey aftertaste. Definitely worth checking out if you like darker beers.

Sorry for no music today, I was too busy enjoying the weather. I'll try to do it tomorrow, but no guarantees. It may be too nice again. Plus a day off never hurt anyone. But, here's a music-related recommendation, I guess. If you're a fan of Wilco, you should watch Jeff Tweedy's live concert DVD,
Sunken Treasure. I saw him on this tour here in Iowa City, and I have to say I enjoyed the show I saw in person more than any of the concert clips from the DVD, but I think I was spoiled with that one. There's still some good footage, including Tweedy playing "How to Fight Loneliness," a song he didn't play here, much to my dismay. If I can figure it out, I'll put up a couple songs from the show that I went to from a bootleg that I found. It's pretty good quality, and makes me smile every time I listen. (PS - tickets for Wilco at the Adler Theater in Davenport, IA, go on sale this Saturday. It's their first show in the US after a European tour, in the city where I was born, a city half an hour away from me. I'm pumped.)
Well it's been a long day, and this beer is making my eyelids a little heavier, so I think I'll be hitting the hay. I stayed at the place I was watching last night, which was a nice little vacation of sorts, but I like my bed way way too much, so tonight's sleep should be good. Good night (or day, depending on when you're reading this) everyone, hope the next few days are brighter all around.
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