I bring this up because my dad just got an entry form for this year's Bix, on July 29th. I am already pumped up to do it again. The race was a great time, then there's the "after party" where they have tons of free food, music, and even free beer once you've finished. (The beer line is always the longest, go figure.) There's also bands set up along the route, and people cheering on the participants the whole way. The route's pretty intense, a fewI bring all of this up because my dad got some information recently about signing up for this killer hills, and the first mile is entirely uphill. But that's not the worst part, that comes a few miles into it, shortly before the turn-around point, when the hill grade gets near 25%.

Anyways, besides having an entry form for this year's Bix, there was a postcard with last year's results. I had thought I did ok, but it turns out in my age division, I finished 1343 out of 1404, meaning I beat 61 people. Great. But it gives me a goal now, I gotta improve that. And this year, we're running it the whole way. Or at least jogging most of it. Probably a few breaks to walk. And maybe re-tie a shoe. My overall place wasn't that bad, at 8782, right around 50%. So I can feel better about that, I guess. And this year, I may have even moved up a bracket, into the 26-30 age range. So with age comes slowness, right? Well, not for me. I'm actually going to kind of train this year, I've started working out a little, and will increase that with improving weather. My goal is to get closer to a 10-minute mile pace, maybe even try to push it to an hour. I think I can do that. I will do that.
So, as promised, here's the picture of my dad and me as we neared the finish line for 2006's Bix 7. This may be one of my favorite pictures of myself, just because I look ridiculous (I was going for the Howard Dean "BEEYAH!" look, and I am absolutely rockin' that headband. I need to bust that out more often), my dad looks a little ridiculous, and, as many people have pointed out, we look like we've been running hard, while the woman behind us is casually strolling. Our shirts are soaked, mostly from pouring water out over ourselves to try to cool off on a hot day.

Beeyah indeed.
That is truly a "beeyah" look if I have ever seen one. I adore your picture. I have wanted to meet your dad ever since I first saw that picture.
I had never given much thought to your t-shirt until, at first glance today, I thought it was a Minnesota Golden Gophers shirt, at which point I was going to say Fuck You. But I see that it's a Muscatine shirt, so I guess that's okay.
Did I ever tell you that a family friend of ours is from Muscatine originally? I think? Her brother still lives there. I wish I could remember his name.
So, wait, the postcard they sent you had your picture on it? That's fantabulous. Those Bix people sure put a lot of work into that!
race day pics are always awesome is both a horrible and good way.
my goal when i started running was also not to be last, and i really think thats a good goal.
bill and i will be at the bar again, we'll meet up with you after
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