First up, is Possible Flenker A

A dark an mysterious picture, indeed, but would a Flenker give such a menacing look?
Possible Flenker B is next

He's got the baseball cap going, but would a Flenker be able to pull off a shirt like that?
Possible Flenker C

Flenkers have been all over. Has a Flenker (besides me) been to the top of the Empire State Building?
Possible Flenker D

Quite the charming fellow, with a nice wink. Both Flenker qualities. But are we related??
Possible Flenker E

The beautiful man hair is flowing with this gent, but is it beautiful Flenker man hair?
Possible Flenker F

Dashing good looks always accompany a Flenker. But would a Flenker drink something like this?
So there you go. Spot the Real Flenker! I will post tomorrow with the answers. . .

A dark an mysterious picture, indeed, but would a Flenker give such a menacing look?
Possible Flenker B is next

He's got the baseball cap going, but would a Flenker be able to pull off a shirt like that?
Possible Flenker C

Flenkers have been all over. Has a Flenker (besides me) been to the top of the Empire State Building?
Possible Flenker D

Quite the charming fellow, with a nice wink. Both Flenker qualities. But are we related??
Possible Flenker E

The beautiful man hair is flowing with this gent, but is it beautiful Flenker man hair?
Possible Flenker F

Dashing good looks always accompany a Flenker. But would a Flenker drink something like this?
So there you go. Spot the Real Flenker! I will post tomorrow with the answers. . .
E. nice hair.
It's so unfair that I don't get to guess! Well, I guess not really. =)
I feel so privileged to be a label!
Okay... Is this a present-day Flenker or could this Flenker be from another era?
I should have put a comma in that comment after Flenker, and before the word or.
This is a present-day Flenker. Most of the pictures up there are fairly recent, so the looks aren't too different from their real-life portrayals.
Are you the Flenker C?
That's my guess...
shoot, I guess I should've been a little more specific... You're trying to guess which one of these fine young fellows is my brother. :)
Did I miss something while sniffing my white-out again?
It happens..
C or E?
I'm not as good at this as you are...
I don't think you missed anything, I think I chose my words poorly. I think I made it a little clearer now, that was my bad...
Like I said, the answer will be revealed tomorrow as to which of the pictures belongs to my brother.
Like I said, the answer will be revealed tomorrow as to which of the pictures belongs to my brother.
See, I missed that... No more white-out for Minty...
I added you to my g-mail chat, so if you are ever on and bored, give me a shout!
Gmail is messing up again... At a most inopportune time. I was really excited about our conversation!
Definitely E. This one's a no-brainer.
I am also going with option E...
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