On a kind of spur-of-the-moment decision, I went to a matinee of There Will Be Blood. I had seen umm, a "less legal" version of it, but thought that I should see it in the theater to get a better idea of it, and to get the full effect. I'm glad I did. I liked it, a lot, and Daniel Day Lewis definitely deserved the Best Actor award. But it's not a movie that I'm going to go out and buy the day the DVD becomes available (like I will for No Country for Old Men, March 11th). The acting, directing, cinematography, and everything was great. I like Paul Dano a lot, and think he should've been nominated for supporting actor. Hopefully he'll continue his great roles (he was great in this and in last year's Little Miss Sunshine), and have plenty of opportunities to snag a nomination and even an award or two. So go see the movie if you haven't, because it's really, really good. Not quite my favorite P.T. Anderson film (I think that might be Punch Drunk Love), but still worth seeing in the theater. Worth it enough to get a coveted 5 Flenker Thumbs Up!
I haven't done a music recommendation lately, so here are a couple of bands for you. First up, Silversun Pickups (website | myspace), from LA. I think I like these guys a lot, they remind me of Hum, if Hum were more wiener and less grungy, but still kind of with an edge. My favorite song by far is "Lazy Eye," but I like "Well Thought Out Twinkles," too, along with the others.
The second band I'll mention is for Bill. Ever since Rushmore, he and I have both been fans of Jason Schwartzman, and Bill loved The O.C., and the theme song, "California," performed by Phantom Planet, a band with Schwartman as the drummer (I'm pretty sure he was the drummer. . .). Well, he's in a new band, Coconut Records. His song "West Coast" is pretty good, so give it a listen!
This may be my last post for a few days, I'm heading north tomorrow, going up to the wonderful Twin Cities area, to hang out with H and friends. Should be a rousing good time, and who knows, maybe some good stories will come of it. See you later!
I do like this song by the Silversun Pickups, I like the radio edit better though...I think the album version is a bit long.
I so want to see that move. I still haven't seen No Country either...::sigh::...and Stephen King's the Mist...it's one of the few that I read the book beforehand...oh well...
I did like the Coconut Records as well. I liked some of the other songs better, but they were all pretty good.
You need to check out this Gotye. It's really good...seriously, I can't stop listening to his stuff right now...
I do like this song by the Silversun Pickups, I like the radio edit better though...I think the album version is a bit long.
I so want to see that move. I still haven't seen No Country either...::sigh::...and Stephen King's the Mist...it's one of the few that I read the book beforehand...oh well...
I did like the Coconut Records as well. I liked some of the other songs better, but they were all pretty good.
You need to check out this Gotye. It's really good...seriously, I can't stop listening to his stuff right now...
I'm so bummed I wasn't in town while you were. Sigh. Maybe next time...
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