The players:
While I've been waiting for the pictures to upload, glass #1 disappeared into my belly. Glass #2 - commence.
Keep checking back for an exciting night, as I attempt to pretend like this is not a pathetic night.
***Update #1 - 10:33 pm CST***
After 2 glasses with the nog, I realize I will not be able to handle much more of it. Back up must be called. Back up in the form of apple cider.
now this is dangerously delicious
***Update #2 - 10:58 pm CST***
Drink number 4 brings me to one of my favorite parts of any night - sweatpants time!! hurray!
though as Haley brought up, it's kind of surprising I'm still wearing pants. Gives me a lot to think about right now.
**Update #3 - 12:00 am CST**
defeat. The nog did me in. Even though I switched to the cider, the amount of egg nog I had earlier filled me up too much. And I'm not sure if the two are getting along very well. Oh well. And I've barely gotten a quarter of the brandy gone. Such is life. I guess I have more to have some other time.
Such is the end of my night of solo drinking.
oh man. the time i did this experiment things turned ugly fast. lucky you to just finished without having to move and change your name.
Yeah- this is drunk blogging to be proud of- you spelled everything correctly, and your sentences made sense.
You're making the rest of us look bad, you know.
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