So I haven't done anything in probably months. Well, not a whole lot has happened. I went to Philadelphia, ate some awesome food, have hung out with awesome friends, and done stuff like that, but not much blog-worthy. There are some projects in the works, and of course I'll let you klnow as they happen. But for now, look at a picture of my dog!!!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
March Madness?
I don't know if Kansas City is supposed to get 6" of snow in the last weekend of March, but here we are. . . We found a spot not quite as deep, so Lily could sniff for rabbits. She wouldn't stay still long enough in the deeper stuff, she was having too much fun hopping around and playing. Yes, I'm now one of those people that takes pictures of their dog.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Thursday, March 05, 2009

Forget you. It's 12:04 am, it's been a rough night, I've had a bottle of wine, this is HILARIOUS
I'm proud of my knock-off Photoshop work. And I'm quite clever, I must admit.
And since I'm a little tipsy, I can forgive myself for doing this "facebook album cover" thing

Sunday, February 22, 2009
Stepping up for H
Ok, since I haven't written anything for a long time, and H is out tonight sitting in ridiculous seats at a basketball game, I figured I'd give her and hand and live blog the Oscars, since she won't be able to do it herself.
Let's see, 7:27 - Some people were wearing stuff. Mickey Rourke is awesome. I hope he wins just to hear his speech.
7:30 - Wait, Hugh Jackman is hosting? I'm done.
Let's see, 7:27 - Some people were wearing stuff. Mickey Rourke is awesome. I hope he wins just to hear his speech.
7:30 - Wait, Hugh Jackman is hosting? I'm done.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I know it's less than a month into the new year. . .
. . . but I'm pretty sure I already have my two favorite albums of the year.
I know I'm far far far from the first to say this, but Animal Collective's latest album, Merriweather Post Pavilion is incredible. From track 1 ("In the Flowers") to the final song ("Brother Sport"), I don't think there's a minute where I'm not just totally enamored. I recognize a lot of these songs from the shows last year, including "In the Flowers," the first single (from I gather) from the album - "My Girls," and my personal favorite, "Summer Clothes."
I mean, how can you not like that? And really, you should go to the youtube page for that video, and click on the "Watch in HD." It's beautiful. (maybe a post in the future will be about my current addiction to HD youtube videos.) And listen with headphones. or very loudly. That's how it should be heard. TRY NOT DANCING IN YOUR CHAIR, OR GETTING UP AND SHAKING YOUR RUMP. I'm hoping to see these guys again on their current tour, it'll be part of Flenker's 2009 vacation plans, since they're aren't coming anywhere near me. Oh well, I think it'll actually work out splendidly.
It's really early to say this, the year isn't even 1/12th over, but this could be the best album of 2009 already. Really. If you haven't listened to it, do it now, please. By any means necessary. And should you hear this album through "illicit" means, just promise that you'll eventually buy it for real. Because dammit, you should. It's the best album of the year!
And I mean that as no slight to this next album. They (he?) put a valiant fucking effort into it, and is rewarded with a very very solid spot at #2 for 2009. Of course I mean Emil Svanängen, aka Loney, Dear, and his latest album, released today, Dear John.
This album has a slightly different sound from the previous releases, but it's a totally natural progression, not a shock to hear. And it's done so well. The "older" sound is still there in some songs, the quiet, desperate at times vocals with minimal instrumentation, but some hints of almost, but not quite, electronic sounds come out in some of the tracks, like the above "Airport Surroundings." Emil (yes, I feel like I can call him by his first name. He's given a hug to one of my best friends in the whole wide world, who has in turn hugged me. it's like he's hugged me through her) creates an album full of beautiful songs, shows off a wide vocal range, and just makes me want to pack up and move to Sweden (don't think I haven't considered it) Malin Ståhlberg, if you happen to be reading this, I love you. Move to Kansas City, we'll have a magical life together, we'll make music, start a family, and just be happy together, I'm sure of it. I'm going to most likely be at the Des Moines show, you can just hitch a ride back here with me, and we can conquer the world.
So, in summation, Animal Collective and Loney, Dear are awesome. Each and every one of you reading (all 3 of you) should listen to them over and over and over again, see them in concert, and spread the good word of this righteous music.
I know I'm far far far from the first to say this, but Animal Collective's latest album, Merriweather Post Pavilion is incredible. From track 1 ("In the Flowers") to the final song ("Brother Sport"), I don't think there's a minute where I'm not just totally enamored. I recognize a lot of these songs from the shows last year, including "In the Flowers," the first single (from I gather) from the album - "My Girls," and my personal favorite, "Summer Clothes."
"Summer Girls" performed at Coachella
Animal Collective - "My Girls" video
I mean, how can you not like that? And really, you should go to the youtube page for that video, and click on the "Watch in HD." It's beautiful. (maybe a post in the future will be about my current addiction to HD youtube videos.) And listen with headphones. or very loudly. That's how it should be heard. TRY NOT DANCING IN YOUR CHAIR, OR GETTING UP AND SHAKING YOUR RUMP. I'm hoping to see these guys again on their current tour, it'll be part of Flenker's 2009 vacation plans, since they're aren't coming anywhere near me. Oh well, I think it'll actually work out splendidly.
It's really early to say this, the year isn't even 1/12th over, but this could be the best album of 2009 already. Really. If you haven't listened to it, do it now, please. By any means necessary. And should you hear this album through "illicit" means, just promise that you'll eventually buy it for real. Because dammit, you should. It's the best album of the year!
And I mean that as no slight to this next album. They (he?) put a valiant fucking effort into it, and is rewarded with a very very solid spot at #2 for 2009. Of course I mean Emil Svanängen, aka Loney, Dear, and his latest album, released today, Dear John.
Loney, Dear - "Airport Surroundings"
This album has a slightly different sound from the previous releases, but it's a totally natural progression, not a shock to hear. And it's done so well. The "older" sound is still there in some songs, the quiet, desperate at times vocals with minimal instrumentation, but some hints of almost, but not quite, electronic sounds come out in some of the tracks, like the above "Airport Surroundings." Emil (yes, I feel like I can call him by his first name. He's given a hug to one of my best friends in the whole wide world, who has in turn hugged me. it's like he's hugged me through her) creates an album full of beautiful songs, shows off a wide vocal range, and just makes me want to pack up and move to Sweden (don't think I haven't considered it) Malin Ståhlberg, if you happen to be reading this, I love you. Move to Kansas City, we'll have a magical life together, we'll make music, start a family, and just be happy together, I'm sure of it. I'm going to most likely be at the Des Moines show, you can just hitch a ride back here with me, and we can conquer the world.
So, in summation, Animal Collective and Loney, Dear are awesome. Each and every one of you reading (all 3 of you) should listen to them over and over and over again, see them in concert, and spread the good word of this righteous music.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
get pitted, so pitted
I'll have a real post up soon, I promise. I just can't stop watching this video long enough to form sentences. WHOOOPAH!
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